Monday, April 19, 2010

5 year Anniversary

Well Thurs April 15th Reyn and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary! We took a vacation to San Diego! Reyn's parents came with us and helped out with Royce. They watched him while we went to a movie, they spoiled us to breakfasts, lunches and dinners. They were great company. We had a wonderful time. I can't believe it has already been 5 years that Reyn and I have been married. Where does the time go. I was telling Reyn that every year has brought us something new and exciting. SO every year is like our first anniversary together. Our first year of course was exciting because it was our first year. Our second year I just worked like crazy and he went to school like crazy. Our 3rd year we went to our ultra sound and found out we were having Royce and Reyn finished his bachelors and then he got a job and then we had Royce. Our 3rd year had a lot of exciting events. Our 4th year Reyn worked and worked and worked. I have been able to be home with Royce. Which has been a huge blessing! This year we have Reyn starting P.A school! SO it has been a very eventful 5 years. Many things have gone wonderfully for us. We have been so very blessed in so many ways. We feel like we met our 5 year goals. And now onto our 10 year goals! :) We are still very much in love and get along very well. I always hated when someone would ask us if we have had the "big one yet" - meaning the big blow out fight. Well I am happy and lucky to say that so far no we haven't. We are best friends. We get along so well. We don't have the perfect marriage by any means, but what we have works for us. I am so grateful for such an incredible husband. Reyn is so patient with me. Especially when I feel like a psycho path some days when it comes to Royce. We love our little Royce, but he sure can be defiant. And Reyn handles him so much better than me. Which teaches me to have better patients with him. Reyn is so good to us, to me. Some days I feel like I don't deserve him. Anyway we can't wait to see what this next year brings us as far as school. Reyn said I have to start preparing meals now. Which over the last 5 years I haven't had much opportunity for that. His schedule always keeps him out late. And I haven't had to make any dinners. Except for myself, which usually is a bowl of cereal. And then food for Royce. But now it is time for me to step it up and start cooking real meals and we finally get to have dinners together. I am very excited and very nervous. I like to cook, but I wouldn't say I am good at it. I have to start preparing a detailed shopping list and use up all the groceries each week on 3 meals. :) It's going to be good and interesting haha.
Well Happy 5 years to us! I love you Reyn ! Thanks for being the amazing husband you are! I will work on being the amazing wife and mom.


Heather said...

how fun! congrats!! yay for anniversaries!

Keri said...

I think it is awesome that you have the little mermaid for your music! Sounds like you had a fun 5 years! Congratulations!

Crystal said...

Congrats on 5 years!!! Can't wait to see what the next 5 years brings you guys, more babies..... WINK WINK hehe!!

Jessie Lewis said...

You guys are so cute. Yeah for marriage!

Brie said...

I love how happy you are! Congrats on five years, that is great!

Stephanie said...

Congrats! That's a big milestone :)

Rachel said...

We turn 5 this year too! Glad you got to celebrate and spend time together! Lots of luck to Reyn in PA school - he'll do great!