Royce's new walker/rider from his aunts and uncles on the Gunnell side

the kids all surrounding the walker/rider

Well our little man is a year old today! He is soo much fun! We love every minute with him. He is growing up too quick for us! I am not ready for him to become a toddler. But it is coming rather I like it or not. We went up to Lakeside on Sat and had a little family (my mom's side) party for Royce. He loved when we sang to him, he was soo excited. He loved his cupcake, well half of it. We had a great time up there with family. Royce got some cute clothes and a rocking chair and a little barn with little animals. Then we came back home. And we had a party for him with Reyn's side of the family. He got his walker/rider. And some more cute clothes. A pair of shoes from Nama & Bopa Gunnell. And he got another cupcake. He is such a joy to have in our home. We love our little boy so much! He is such a blessing. Happy Birthday Royce! We love you son!